Book view

Leafing through “La peinture au musée d’Orsay” I want to be as devoted as Ingres be as independent as Delacroix and Daumier be as deeply moved as Moreau be as patient as Cézanne draw as well as Van Gogh be in love like Millet be happy to do magic like Redon be as valliant as…

Paint, thick paint

I’ve added a new tab with paintings. Still life. They are small studies done with a palette knife. (It’s very difficult to take good photos of paintings because of the glare, the change in colour, etc. ) Again, I’ve limited the number of pictures, because high numbers tend to detract, unless you’re Andy Warhol. Hope you…

Gallery update

I’ve updated a few of the links above, added some new gesture drawings and scribbled ideas and removed a few of the older drawings so as not to overcrowd your vision. Yesterday I  watched an old tv show and was doodling, and occasionally hit the pause button to draw. This is what happened…   Any guesses? …..…

Self portraits

Yesterday I did a series of quick drawings (30″ and 1′ gestures) of myself from photographs I took last summer. You can view them by clicking on the link Self portrait gestures in the menu above.


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. ― George Bernard Shaw     Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. ― Seneca   Well, I’m bound to get lucky baby, or I’m bound…